U9 Girls

9U division focuses on developing the individual player and overall team with age appropriate skills and competition. The 9U division plays in a 7v7 format which instills the breakdown and understanding on both attack and defense. Players will develop overall stickwork , and develop an IQ of the conceptual framework of all position on the field , including goalie. In addition, players will learn the value of camaraderie, and working effectively altogether as a team.



U9 practice 4 times in the winter from January - February and one training day.

U9 participate in MYLA which takes place March - May with games on Saturdays. Practice twice a week. Take field trip to a college game.

U9 has 12 practices 2x week from May- July and play in 2 summer tournaments.

U9 team 6 practice 1 time a week, in the fall from September- November compete in 2 fall tournaments and training day.